Towards the end of 2020, the Padma Bridge of our dreams became visible. After install the 41st span of the Padma Bridge on December 10, the real specimen of the Padma Bridge has been seen in front of the eyes. The total length of the Padma Bridge is 10.642 km. The length of the main bridge is 6.15 km and the railway viaduct is 0.532 km. River training of two kilometers of river is being made to protect the bridge and north bank from river erosion. About 13 km of river training is being made to protect the south bank of the river i.e. Jazira side. Depending on the situation, the area of river training is likely to increase in the future.
2.3 km Approach road of Padma Bridge in Mawa end and 12.8 km in Jazira end has been constructed. Construction expenditure of Padma Bridge increase day by day. In year 2007 in the tenure of Caretaker government expenditure of Padma Bridge was estimated Taka 10,161 crore (1.47 Billion US dollar). That time road construction plan was 5.58 km. In 6th January 2008 Awami League form government under present Prime Minister. In January US-New Zealand-Australia based advisory firm Maunsell-Accom was selected for making detailed design of Padma bridge.
History of Padma Bridge
The Padma Bridge has a beautiful history. It is good that we all know the historical events of its making. After hiring consultants in 2009, they started working. Development partners and lenders have expressed interest in lending to the Padma Bridge. Loan proposal have been given by World Bank 1000 million dollars, ADB 500 million dollars, JIKA 300 million dollars at very low interest rates. After talks between the bridge division and lenders authorities instead of proposed four lane road bridge proposal of two storied bridge like a bridge in Denmark has been granted. Its cost has been earmarked as 2.4 million dollars, in Bangladeshi currency 16,970 crore taka. Four lane road will be built on Steel based infrastructure, and under the bridge rail line to be built. Development partners finalized debt proposal after finalize the design. Papers has been signed to allocate 1200 million dollars from World Bank, 615 million from ADB, 430 million from Japan and 140 million from IDB. In 2010 expenditure of the bridge fixed 2,972 million dollars, in Bangladeshi currency Taka 20 thousand and 507 crore.
In 2011 The World Bank stated that they found, credible evidence of corruption conspiracy and then refused to sanction the proposed loan. Prime Minister telling the World Bank to prove this type of allegation. World Bank alleged towards Canadian Royal Mounted Police against Canadian firm SNC-Lavalin. After that a case has been filed in Canada. In 28th June 2012 World Bank`s president Robert Zoellick canceled debt contract of Padma Bridge. Then other debt firms and donors also go back. At that time Bangladesh Government accepted the loan under tough condition of World Bank. Secretary of Ministry of bridge has been forcefully sent to retirement. That time the secretary was Mosharraf Hossain Bhuyan. World Bank directed Anti-corruption commission (ACC) to file case against former minister of communication Syed Abul Hossain, former minister of state Abul Hasan Chowdhury and Advisor of finance Dr. Mashiur Rahman. ACC however arrested former secretary Mosharraf Hossain Bhuyan. He lost his job also. But World Bank did not give the loan assistance at all.
Due to the delay of the World Bank, Hon’ble Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina on 31 January 2013 rejected the loan of the World Bank and announced the construction of the Padma Bridge with her own funds. This is a bold decision. Strong decision. Historical decision. Work on the Padma Bridge was inaugurated in 2015. The first span of the Padma Bridge was laid on the river in 2016. The last span was established on 10 December 2020. Then connect the bridge with the rest of the railway viaducts and make it suitable for vehicular traffic.
Bridge Minister Obaidul Quader has announced that the Padma Bridge will be opened for traffic in 2022 after completing all the works in 2021. The Padma Bridge has been praised at home and abroad for its self-financing. The dignity of the country has also increased. It has been able to set an example of Bangladesh’s economic potential. Bangladesh can do something good. Bangladesh is now a capable country. Problems with the World Bank, loan suspensions and various delays have delayed the implementation of the bridge. The construction of the bridge was supposed to be completed in 2014. Now that bridge will be suitable for running in 2022. Long time gap. So the cost increases. There are also allegations of corruption behind the increase in expenditure. So now at the end of 2020, the expenditure is 30 thousand 193 Crore. It will take the next two years. It will increase the cost. Then a large bridge installation is going to be launched. This is our great joy. Our great achievement.
Economic impact
The construction of the Padma Bridge will have a huge economic impact on the country. In an analysis or study report by Maunsell, the bridge’s design consultant, in 2010, the bridge’s Benefit Cost Ratio (BCR) was 1.6 percent and the Economic Internal Rate of Return (ERR) was 18 percent. Adding the cost of bridge construction, BCR will be 2.1 and ERR will be 22 percent. In other words, the construction of this bridge will be economically profitable. Dhaka’s communication distance with 21 southern districts will be reduced from 2 to 4 hours. As there is a direct connection with the capital, trade and commerce will expand, supply of raw materials will be easily available and industrialization will expand, i.e. small and big industries will be set up in 21 districts. Agriculture will be greatly improved. Farmers will get better commodity prices. Production will increase.
In addition to the design consultants, the World Bank’s independent consultants and the consultancy firm employed by the Bridges Division have analyzed the economic impact of bridge construction. According to the survey report, the economic impact of the bridge construction will increase the annual GDP of the south by 2 percent and the overall GDP of the country by more than 1 percent. The construction of the Padma Bridge will improve the integrated communication structure of the country. The southern part of the country will be connected to the Trans-Asian Highway (N-8) and the Trans-Asian Railway. Bangladesh will have international connectivity with India, Bhutan and Nepal. Economic zones, high-tech parks and private industrial cities will be built on both sides of the bridge. Investment will increase and employment will increase.
Mongla and Payra sea ports will be operational. The tourism industry will flourish and new and old tourist destinations, including Kuakata beach in South Bengal, the Sundarbans, the sixty-domed mosque, Bangabandhu Mazar in Tungipara, Mawa and Jazira side old and new resorts, will attract domestic and foreign tourists. At present, according to the 2010 estimates, 12,000 vehicles crossing the Padma river, the traffic can be doubled if the bridge is opened and the number of vehicles will increase by 7-8 percent every year and by 2050, 67,000 vehicles will run.
We can take such observations as credible. Because in our experience, the economic analysis of the Jamuna Bangabandhu Bridge shows that the growth of vehicles, industrialization, trade and consumption has increased even more than what was projected.
Toll rate of Padma bridge
All countries have toll collection rules to cover the cost of any bridge or installation. Even if it is a bridge with its own financing or loan, there is no way for a big project without collecting toll. Tolls of small bridges are still being collected in our country. Which should not be done. The only nationally based, large installation toll collection rules in different countries of the world. Therefore, the money for the bridge has to be collected through toll collection from the Padma Bridge Should be. However, how much will be, how it will be, in how many years this cost will be recovered, etc. are the subject of discussion. The bridge department has signed an agreement worth Tk 29,900 crore with the ministry to meet the cost of the Padma Bridge. The bridge department will repay the loan in 140 installments over a period of 35 years at the rate of 1 per cent. Therefore, the toll has to be collected in such a way that the loan money and all the expenses for the maintenance of the bridge can be borne by the toll. At present, the loan amount can be easily repaid by increasing the cost of ferry crossing by 50 percent. But this would not be right. It will increase the cost of living. That is why we will not get the benefit of building the Padma Bridge. The cost of bringing the product will increase. Ordinary people will not benefit. Therefore, the interest rate should be reduced by at least 50 years for the term of the loan agreement. As a result, the toll collected will be less. The cost of transportation will be less. The product will have price status. Farmers and traders will all benefit. Talk about the Jamuna Bridge. The toll on this bridge is high. The cost of the bridge has already been recovered. But the toll of the bridge has not been reduced yet. Jamuna Bridge toll should be reduced. This will reduce the cost of the product.
People will benefit more. Due to the high cost of bringing the goods, we have to buy vegetables in Dhaka at the price of 30 rupees, in Bogra that’s rate is only 3 rupees. Similarly, if the toll of Padma bridge is higher, the price of goods will not be stable. Economists’ observation and belief that with the launch of the Padma Bridge, the country’s overall poverty index will be reduced. People’s income will increase. Various installations will be built on both sides of the Padma Bridge. The development of the industry will happen. As a result, there will be a lot of progress in the human development index. The collection of these vehicle tolls will also contribute to the growth of our national growth. The matter is very happy and good news.
Last words
Over the past few years, our economic progress, GDP growth, and the gradual improvement of various social indicators have gained international recognition. Bangladesh’s capacity has been recognized due to its own mega projects like the Padma Bridge. We can.We are capable. We have talents. Our knowledge is no less than others. For taking this bold decision, Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has gained the status of a big seat in the world. Despite various irregularities, proper spending of money, difficulties and some corruption, being able to build the Padma Bridge is a great achievement and dignity. Everyone who is involved with the Padma Bridge deserves this status. We expected the Padma Bridge to be opened as soon as possible. Let the wind blow in the economy. We hope that the touch of economic development of 21 districts will fascinate us soon.
The nation will forever remember China’s mechanical and financial cooperation in the construction of the Padma Bridge. China owes us a genuine friendship.

আবুল কাসেম হায়দার
সাবেক সহ সভাপতি এফবিসিসিআই, বিটিএমইএ, বিজিএমইএ , বেসরকারি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় সমিতি, প্রতিষ্ঠতা চেয়ারম্যান ইস্টার্ন ইউনির্ভাসিটি ও ইসলামিক ফাইন্যান্স এন্ড ইনভেস্টমেন্ট লি:, অষ্ট্রেলিয়ান ইন্টারন্যাশনাল স্কুল, আবুল কাসেম হায়দার মহিলা কলেজ সন্দ্বীপ, চট্টগ্রাম, সাবেক সিনেট সদস্য ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়।
তিনি আজীবন সদস্য : এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটী বাংলাদেশ, বাংলা একাডেমী, চট্টগ্রাম সমিতি, সন্দ্বীপ সমিতি ঢাকা ।
লেখক দৈনিক আজকের আওয়াজ ও সাপ্তাহিক প্যানোরামা সম্পাদকের দায়িত্ব পালন করছেন।
It is really a good work sir.
Gone through your write-up sir. It is informative and qualitative one.