Photo Souce : They Daily Star
On August 5, 2024, Sheikh Hasina’s government fell through a successful popular uprising by students and people. On the morning of August 5, he resigned from the post of Prime Minister and left for India in a helicopter with the responsibility of the country to the army chief, accompanied by Sheikh Hasina’s younger sister Sheikh Rehana.On 6 August 2024 President Mohammad Sahabuddin dissolved Parliament. The army chief along with the chief of the three forces, 15 leaders of the student movement and anti-discrimination student movement and two Dhaka University teachers discussed for the formation of the next government till 12 midnight. The coordinators of the student movement handed over a list of 15 people to the President to be nominated as advisers. And the main name of this advisor is Prosta winner, world-class personality Dr.Muhammad Yunus.
Today I remember the day October 13, 2006. talk That Amin Bank jointly from the grassroots economic and social Udin Dr. The Nobel Committee has decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize to Muhammad Yunus in recognition of his contribution. Dr. People all over the country are in a wave of joy on receiving the Nobel Prize of Dr.Muhammad Yunus. with that joy today. I had the opportunity to edit the book titled “Nobel Laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus” on Muhammad Yunus. Congratulations today. Muhammad Yunus. Congratulations to the student body. We got the second taste of freedom today. Thank you Bangladesh..
On August 8, ’24, the chief adviser of the interim government took oath. Muhammad Yunus and 14 other advisory members took oath. 3 people could not take oath on this day due to being outside Dhaka. People representing different strata of society are included in this advisory. Advised by two anti-discrimination movements. These two are Md. Nahid Islam and Asif Mahmud Sajib Bhuiyan. This is the new surprise..
The new government started its journey after the successful revolution of the students. We wish success to this newly formed government. The main task of the newly formed interim government is to eliminate all the problems that have arisen in the state due to the rule of Sheikh Hasina for 17 years. The essential tasks are-:-
1. Establishment of rule of law in the state: After the August 5 revolution, the police administration became completely inactive. The police stations are unprotected. There is no police action or activity. is on strike. The police will act if security is guaranteed. The new IG of Police has taken charge. It is expected that police action will start within two days.
The current interim government must first take initiatives to establish the rule of law. By setting up a strong and impartial commission, those who violate the law should be identified and punished by law.
The legal department should be completely freed from political and party shackles. Discipline must be brought back especially in the High Courts and the lower courts. People blinded by party ideology should be removed and honest, qualified and impartial judges should be appointed.
2. Bank and Non-Financial Sector Reforms: The banking sector in the country is facing destruction. Banks in Bangladesh centred on one person, one family are in a sinking state today. The banking sector is completely plagued by corruption, irregularities and unprofessional people. Short and long term reforms in the banking sector should be initiated by forming a banking commission as soon as possible. This commission must publish a white paper against all irregularities including corruption, money laundering.
Bangladesh Bank should be revamped. Bangladesh Bank should move forward by removing the people involved in corruption and assigning responsibility to honest and qualified people. Measures should be taken against bribery, corruption and irregularities.
The money of the country has been smuggled abroad. Banks are empty. Laundered money should be brought back. It is important to bring justice to those involved in looting money through corrupt Banking Act should be reformed. All opportunities of banking to the same family or the same person should be stopped.
If money laundering can be stopped, the country’s economy will turn around. If you can stop taking loans outside the rules, the banking sector will go.
3. Anti Corruption Commission. The Anti-Corruption Commission should be revamped. Corrupt people should be removed from the commission. Anti-corruption commission should start anew with new, honest and competent people. Action should be taken according to the law against the corrupt in the state. The main and one of the tasks of this government is to properly prosecute the corruption that happened during the previous government. So that the country will be free from corruption in the future, all the obstacles will be removed.
4. Election Commission. The main problem of the country today is the Election Commission not run by impartial, honest people. A government party’s incompetent commission has destroyed the country’s electoral system. This commission should be made independent, impartial and strong. Preparation of accurate voter list is the main task. One of the tasks of this commission is to prepare the list of genuine voters excluding fake and irregular voters and it is one of the responsibilities of the Election Commission to gain the power to make all subsequent elections fair, impartial and in accordance with the rules.
5. Education system. The country’s education system is completely broken. Corruption and irregularities are rife today at all levels from universities to the Ministry of Education with party people. Education commission should be constituted with qualified, honest and impartial persons excluding party persons. The education system should be structured as per the recommendations suggested by the Commission. Reforms should be made from primary education to university and higher education.
6. Public Service Commission. The only commission in the country is the Public Service Commission. For the past 16 years, recruitment has been going on for the past 16 years on a party basis instead of the meritorious. This organization needs to be restructured. The activities of all members including the chairman of the commission should be evaluated and action taken. Irregularities and corruption have weakened this commission. The Public Service Commission should be reconstituted with honest and competent persons. Transparency should be brought in the examination process. Irregularities including question papers should be removed forever through law.
7. Garment industry and textile industry. In our country still the main sector of earning foreign exchange is textile sector i.e. garment industry. More policy cooperation should be prioritized in this sector. We cannot compete with India. Especially the spinning sector is on the verge of destruction today. Immediate measures should be taken to protect the spinning sector. Policy and cooperation should be provided on import of yarn. Any importer exports more than 40 percent duty
If the order is given that import cannot be done, the ready-made garment industry as well as the textile sector will be saved. Production will increase. Exports will also double. Imports will decrease. Then the spinning sector will be saved from unequal competition.
On the other hand, 50 percent has to be reduced for gas and electricity. With such high gas prices, the garment industry including the spinning sector is unable to compete with neighbouring India. The bank’s debt in its spinning sector is increasing day by day and many spinning mills are closing down. It is reducing employment. Unemployment is increasing. With the rise of the spinning sector, the garment industry has become our sole and major foreign exchange earner today.
The seven challenges mentioned are the current interim government. They have to face these challenges and move forward.
8. Constitutional Reform Context: Our constitution was first framed in 1972. Many revisions followed. There are several inconsistencies in the current constitution. There is a lack of balance of power. Therefore, the constitution needs to be amended and reformed. Initiatives should be taken to balance the powers of the Prime Minister and the President. For this there is a need to form a committee for strong constitutional reform at a high level. With the advice of the said committee, the next parliament will be able to bring the constitution to the appropriate level by amending, adding and subtracting. The country’s politics and political parties will get direction for improvement. A few days ago, BNP presented a 31-point program to the nation to repair the state. If the current government starts the work of repairing the state according to the said 31 points, the nation will benefit greatly.
9. National Elections: Facing these challenges, the interim government should organize national elections as soon as possible. For that, the environment should be created and the mentioned challenges should be addressed and moved forward.
A transparent, impartial and acceptable election should take the nation forward. A delay in this case will bring hardship to all – the government has to be very careful in that regard.
10. Anti-Discrimination Movement: Place in Shaheed Textbook
Over a thousand students were martyred in this movement. No less than 1 lakh were injured. A commission of inquiry shall be formed in the matter to determine the number of casualties and injuries as soon as possible. Second is to provide proper medical care to the injured. And the martyrs’ allowance for those who were killed and martyred
turn on On the other hand, it is the main and one of the responsibilities of this government to determine this killing effectively and to arrange this fair and accurate trial. Nation wants to see killers prosecuted and executed.
Our textbooks must teach about the initiation and implementation of this anti-discrimination movement. The description of this movement from primary education to the university level, the reality and the dictatorial government of Sheikh Hasina, including the secret leaving of the country and taking refuge in India, should be brought.
11. Arrangements should be made to publish a white paper on corruption, unfairness and injustice during the tenure of Sheikh Hasina government. Based on which it will be easy to take legal action..
12. There is a need to change the names of the country’s various establishments named after the dictators and their associates to Kabila’s and after the patriots and martyrs. The Interim Government should take this decision and give instructions to the state for its implementation.
13. Urgent reforms are needed in the information technology sector. A white paper should be published on corruption and irregularities in the sector in the past years. Expeditious legal action should be taken against the identified culprits. At present, this sector has been identified as the most priority sector for earning foreign exchange and needs to be provided with low interest loans. Projects included in this letter need to be evaluated. That acre is not profitable, gi done only for the name, needs to be dropped.
Chief Advisor: Dr. Muhammad Yunus
Advisers of the interim government
1. Salehuddin Ahmed
2. AF Hasan Arif
3. M Sakhawat Hossain
4. Touhid Hossain
5. Asif Nazrul
6. Sharmin Murshid
7. Adilur Rahman Khan
8. Syeda Rizwana Hasan
9. Supradeep Chakma
10. Farida Akhtar
11. Marup-e-Azam
12. Bidhan Ranjan Roy
13. A F M Khalid Hasan
14. Noor Jahan Begum
15. Md. Nahid Islam
16. Asif Mahmud

আবুল কাসেম হায়দার
সাবেক সহ সভাপতি এফবিসিসিআই, বিটিএমইএ, বিজিএমইএ , বেসরকারি বিশ্ববিদ্যালয় সমিতি, প্রতিষ্ঠতা চেয়ারম্যান ইস্টার্ন ইউনির্ভাসিটি ও ইসলামিক ফাইন্যান্স এন্ড ইনভেস্টমেন্ট লি:, অষ্ট্রেলিয়ান ইন্টারন্যাশনাল স্কুল, আবুল কাসেম হায়দার মহিলা কলেজ সন্দ্বীপ, চট্টগ্রাম, সাবেক সিনেট সদস্য ঢাকা বিশ্ববিদ্যালয়।
তিনি আজীবন সদস্য : এশিয়াটিক সোসাইটী বাংলাদেশ, বাংলা একাডেমী, চট্টগ্রাম সমিতি, সন্দ্বীপ সমিতি ঢাকা ।
লেখক দৈনিক আজকের আওয়াজ ও সাপ্তাহিক প্যানোরামা সম্পাদকের দায়িত্ব পালন করছেন।